Colors popular show Udaariyaan is all set for more drama in the upcoming episode with Tejo learning Jasmine’s plan. Previously it was seen that Gurpreet reached hole and stopped Fateh from going to the police station. Gurpreet revealed to the family about Fateh’s decision of taking blame to save Amrik. Family got shocked and tried to change Fateh’s decision. Gurpreet asked Fateh to marry Jasmine instead of taking the blame. However Fateh stayed firm in his decision. Gurpreet locked herself in and threatened to kill herself if he doesn’t change his decision. Other side Angad revealed to Tejo that he joined hands with Jasmine out of his madness to get Tejo and helped Jasmine in her fake accident plan, but he didn’t know that Jasmine wanted to trap Amrik. Tejo was taken aback learning the truth and ran to inform the Virls. Meanwhile Rupy met Jasmine and offered her to send her to Canada with a huge amount in return of sparing Fateh and his family. But Jasmine rejects Kusbeer’s offer...